Project: Columbia River

Jan 2021

What’s new in construction around the district

January 21st, 2021|Bond and levy updates, More projects, Project: Columbia River, Project: Fir Grove, Project: iTech, Project: King, Project: Lieser, Project: Marshall, Project: McLoughlin, Project: Peter S. Ogden, Project: Truman, Project: VSAA, Project: Walnut Grove|

Now four-and-a-half years into the active design and construction work, the bond program is more than halfway through.

Mar 2016

Nominees, finalists announced for 2016 Marshall Youth Leadership Award

March 7th, 2016|Project: Columbia River, Project: iTech, Secondary schools (6-12)|

Nearly 40 high school seniors have been nominated for the Marshall Youth Leadership Award, given by the Fort Vancouver National Trust. The award honors Clark County's high school seniors who exemplify the leadership of the award's namesake, General George C. Marshall.

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