Our goal is to address the needs of each and every student.

Ms. Franzen Mental Health Specialist                                 Mr. Hugo focus is with students 6th – 9th grade                                  Ms. Waterman focus is with students 10th – 12th grade

Counseling Department Program Values

iTech Preparatory comprehensive guidance counseling program is devoted to:

  • Address the needs of each and every student
  • Develop school wide programs based upon the needs of each student, including developmental, preventative, and educative services.
  • Provide accountability and continuous improvement through annual review of student progress, program effectiveness and professional growth.
  • Include appropriate professional development for all staff to continually improve services.
  • Depend upon the support and collaboration of administrators, teachers, other school personnel, students, and the community

Guidance and counseling is not a service offered by one person or department but a program coordinated with all educators in the building.

Counseling Department Mission Statement

Our mission as the school counselors at Vancouver iTech Preparatory is to advocate, empower, and promote lifelong learning in all students. Our counseling program is designed to assist in the academic, career, and personal/social growth and community involvement of each student. Through collaboration with families, staff, and students, we strive to support all students in their academic development by valuing their individual uniqueness, multicultural diversity, and promoting maximum development of each student’s potential.

The ultimate goal of this program is that each student will graduate with the personal, academic, career-related skills and knowledge to be able to make self-directed, realistic, and responsible decisions in an increasingly complex world.