School news

Oct 2024

AP Test Registration / Fees

October 17th, 2024|School news|

Hey iTech Raven Families and Students, AP Exam Registration is going to end on Friday, November 8. This year students are required to pay for the exam ($99 per exam). If your student would like to take the AP exam, your family/student needs to do one of the following. You must do one of these to [...]

May 2024

Yearbook Sales 2024

May 21st, 2024|School news|

We have a lot of yearbooks coming in June and would love to sell them all.  If you already purchased one you do not have to do anything at this time.  Yearbooks will be distributed mid-June before school is out. If you have not purchased a yearbook, you can go to the on-line payment website and [...]

Sep 2023

Help Donate Emergency Supplies

September 27th, 2023|School news|

I am Kaeley, a driven 17-year-oldworking towards achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Driven by my interest in the medical field, I embarked on a search for a meaningful Eagle project. During a conversation with my High School Principal, I mentioned the classrooms did not have emergency kits. Without hesitation, I eagerly seized the opportunity.In [...]

Sep 2023

Fall Internships are OPEN!

September 6th, 2023|School news|

VPS has Fall internships available for students 16 years and older. Are you trying to figure out what you want to do after graduating high school? VPS partners with many local businesses and organizations, to provide internships for students to explore different careers. You can even get paid and earn high school and college [...]

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