VPS now: 8/19/22 | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk
News to know: Back-to-school information, immunizations, attendance messages and more.
News to know: Back-to-school information, immunizations, attendance messages and more.
Find out why attendance matters and when attendance messages will begin.
School Supply List 2022-2023 Recommended basic school supplies are listed below. Teachers will let students know what extra supplies will be needed for their individual classes. Backpack Pencils Blue pens Spiral Notebooks College Ruled One package colored pencils One package of markers Two pocket folders
We’re dedicated to ongoing environmental monitoring and management through regular testing, inspections and applications.
The discharge or use of fireworks is not allowed on any school or district property.
En este episodio, podrá ver a nuestros estudiantes graduados, conocerá a la autora Reyna Grande y escuchará a Sandra Zavala-Ortega, miembro de la junta directiva de nuestro distrito.
High schooler Mohammed Al-Jawadi is skilled at finding solutions. At finding opportunities.
8th grade assembly, Tuesday morning Join Zoom Meeting https://vansd.zoom.us/j/84229398546?pwd=SFVZOHNMYnFNdzNKQjU2OHlNRHRGZz09
Leading up to graduation, we interviewed hundreds of seniors. We asked them about what worked for them and what we could improve to make school the best place it can be.
News to know: Boundary exceptions are due June 10, June 16 is the last day of school, COVID-19 testing changes and more.