Body Positive Magazine Project Standard: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. The mission of this project is to develop a magazine whose goal is to project a healthy body image for young teenagers. High school students were assigned as the creator, editor and chief of a magazine [...]
It is that brief holding of your breath right before the athlete achieves their feat. It is that moment that sends chills down your spine when they have accomplished something amazing. Those who are familiar with sports recognize these feelings as ‘moments of greatness’ that inspire others to capture it themselves or simply to [...]
Students in Mr. Hurst's Electronic Applications high school course assembled and soldered a circuit board with components into a complex circuit to make a LED chaser then embed this electronic into an autumn season themed object, this could include a halloween costume, day of the dead alter or sugar skull, or general autumn themed decoration [...]
Learning Target: Design individually and construct with a team a projectile launcher to accurately and repeatedly send a tennis ball through the air to hit a target, using springs or rubber tubing and materials provided at iTech. Success Criteria: Build a launcher that adheres to the constraints and launches a tennis ball, to hit various [...]
High School students in Mr. Wyckoff's Visual Art and Design II course create digital tessellations, learning some of the fundamentals of Geometry using Adobe Illustrator. Students develop a color scheme and theme for their tessellation.
High School students in Mr. Wyckoff's Digital Photography STEM Lens course manipulate shutter speed on the camera within the Shutter Priority mode in order to demonstrate freezing motion. Students took several pictures of water in motion to capture that moment.
iTech High School Sophomores enrolled in the Pre-Engineering and Design course completed a design challenge to 'Manufacture a Smile' as Friday, October 6th 2017 was both World Smile Day and National Manufacturing Day. Students learn about 3D modeling in both digital designing using Autodesk Tinkercad then using software to unwrap the 3D smile objects [...]
Mr. Hurst's Electronic Applications course at the high school demonstrated their soldering skills by creating a functioning simple circuit using several components and wire, lots of practice in cutting and stripping wire, soldering wire and components together. The goal was to have an organized and functioning double rainbow shaped electrical circuit with a battery, six [...]
On September 21-22, thirty-nine Biology students went on Mr. Wolverton's annual ecology research field trip. They arrived Thursday for field technique training with the Mount St. Helens Institute--including GPS tracking, lifeform cover estimation, tree and shrub identification, and canopy cover estimation. On Friday, the students broke into 4 research teams and worked with [...]
Mr. Hurst's Pre-Engineering & Design Course begins with a design project to get to know each other. Students demonstrate their understanding of principals and elements of design, in designing a collage with the goal to communicate who they are, what they like and a bit about them that they don't mind sharing visually. [...]