We are excited to announce the 2021 iTech school yearbook is now available for sale on our website.
The purchase price for the yearbook will be $30.00 for this year only.
Be sure to get one purchased as soon as possible to guarantee you get one.
Please see here instructions for purchasing on-line.

*Go to fines.vansd.org

*Username = your student’s ID number with 3 leading zero’s.

For example: if your student’s ID number is 123456 you will enter it as


*Password = The password is the students last name ALL CAPS.


You will then be taken to a screen that says:

Who are you shopping for with your students’ name listed. Click on the name and then the next screen will give you some options.

Click on: Shop – Items at Your Student’s School.

You will have choices under Categories:

“Activities, Class Fees, Clubs, & Yearbook,” click on the one you need and proceed.

Questions regarding how to purchase yearbook can be directed to Jayna
Raymond, Fiscal Clerk @ jayna.raymond@vansd.org.
Thank you!
Jayna Raymond
Fiscal Clerk, iTech Prep
Questions regarding anything else yearbook please contact yearbook advisor 2020-2021 Engineering and Design Teacher Ian Hurst ian.hurst@vansd.org


We in the yearbook team are *especially this year* always looking for and accepting photos and stories to include in the yearbook about our community, please send anything you might want included in our yearbook to itechyearbook@vansd.org