The Science of Hate gallery is a cross-curricular project involving the History, Sociology, Global Forum, Spanish, Health/PE, Biology, Math, Composition and Design classes. Students formed groups of three to five to find a victimized population, research the history of discrimination against that population, and create a sculpture that helps relay the information they [...]
Drafting and building identity illusions iTech Pre-Engineering & Design students drafted an orthographic plan of their initial or initials in side view. With the intention of having an LED to create a shadow so that from one angle the initial shape is physically created, then from another view there is a shadow of another [...]
iTech students take robot to world competition Atomic Raven Force, a high school team comprised of Kayl Peck, Tyson Boatman and Megan Lewis, bested 50 competitors and took home the Excellence Award. The award recognizes the team that the judges consider to be the best in all categories: overall ranking, robot design, engineering notebook, autonomous [...]
On Friday, March 10th, iTech sponsored “Voices Not Forgotten” at the Skyview High School Auditorium from 9:50 - 11:15 am. This event featured a panel of guest speakers that will share their experiences from World War II with our students and community. Guests, Jean Matsumoto and Etsu Osaki, shared how they lived through their imprisonment [...]